For nearly twenty years, the Th. Scholten GmbH & Co. KG has very successfully used SC-WearStop® in a wide variety of industrial applications worldwide.
SC-WearStop® belongs to a completely new generation of ceramic wear protection materials: a mixture of very hard, wear resistant particles and a special binder. The knowledge gained through decades of experience is used to continuously advance the development of this material. At numerous system suppliers in the cement, power plant, and steel industry, SC-WearStop® is recognised as a standard material.
The Th. Scholten GmbH & Co. KG can take care of the entire project: from the preventive wear protection analysis, consulting, and planning to installation.
SC-WearStop® is a chemically bonded ceramic with the following advantages:
- Flexible installation
- Very cost effective
- Linings without joints
SC-WearStop® is mixed just like cement mortar, i.e. with water. Once mixed, it can be adapted to any shape or form within the plant system, directly and individually, by applying it onto a support mesh (diamond mesh). Its technical advantages:
- 4 material qualities for operating temperatures up to max. 400°C, 3 qualities for operating temperatures up to 1.200°C
- Flexible layer thicknesses: Through the flexible combination of material qualities and layer thicknesses, we can offer a custom solution for most wear problems
- Closed surface: In contrast to conventional tiles and formpiece linings, SC-WearStop wear protection is installed without any joints, and therefore does not have any weak points in terms of abrasive wear.
- Can be easily combined with other wear protection products
SC-WearStop® is available in 25 kg bags, for use as a mortar with a pasty, castable, or sprayable consistency.
- Supply of complete wear-resistant lined plant components such as piping, cyclones, chutes, etc.
- Delivered for perfectly shaped and fitted installation at the site
- Installation on site by Th. Scholten’s specialist fitters or assignment of supervisors to supervise installation work carried out by the customer’s staff.
- Application notes: Use SC-WearStop M (Mortar) when installing manually – the material can be applied with layer thicknesses of 15 to 25 mm directly on the corresponding expanded metal substructure; use SC-WearStop C (Cast) for horizontal surfaces
- Cement plants (riser dryers, classifiers, separators, cyclones, coarse goods discharges, mills, dust extraction pipes)
- Coal-fired power plants (coal dust extraction pipes, ash extraction pipes, silos, tanks, bunkers, pump housings, coal mills, injection nozzles)
- Steel mills (bunkers, chutes, dust extraction systems, mill scale channels, transfer chutes)
- Potash/salt plants (pneumatic and hydraulic conveyor systems, spiral conveyors, trough chain conveyors, various pipelines, spiral chutes, bunker systems, mills)